Fite Fashion Certified by Eco-Stylist
We are beyond thrilled to announce that Fite Fashion has been certified by Eco-Stylist.
Started in 2018, Eco-Stylist continues to be at the forefront of promoting sustainable fashion and ethical brands. Garik Himebaugh, the founder of Eco-Stylist, began the site as a way to answer the question “can sustainable be dapper?”. With an initial focus on menswear, Garik and his team began to evaluate and promote brands that meet stringent criteria for transparency, fair labor practices, and sustainability.
In addition to certifying brands, Eco-Stylist also publishes critiques of popular fashion brands who claim sustainable practices but are in fact guilty of greenwashing, like this excellent criticism of Urban Outfitters’ claims of sustainability.
As part of the certification process, Michelle was interviewed by Garik to review and confirm our sustainability practices. The opportunity to have a third party review our policies was incredibly helpful for describing these policies in greater detail. Fite Fashion’s profile on Eco-Stylist also includes ways that we can improve, such as detailing our fabric sourcing more transparently. We’re very grateful for the feedback and will work on these suggestions!
Eco-Stylist’s motto is “Dress like you give a damn” and we couldn’t agree more. We highly recommend Eco-Stylist for finding and supporting other sustainable designers — their sustainable brand guide is an incredible resource for the sustainable fashion community. Thank you to the Eco-Stylist team for all of their efforts to fight fast fashion!